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D.4.10.4 The elapsedTimeFormat Element

   :baseFormat[dt_base_format]=(date | time | dateTime)
=> affix*

This element specifies the way to display a time duration.

Data to be formatted in elapsed time formats is stored as strings in legacy data, in the format H:MM:SS.SSS, with additional hour digits as needed for long durations, and must be parsed and reformatted by the reader.

The following attribute is required.

Attribute: baseFormat ΒΆ

Specifies whether a day and a time are both to be displayed, or just one of them.

The remaining attributes specify exactly how to display the elapsed time.

For baseFormat of time, PSPP converts this element to print format type DTIME; otherwise, if showHour is true, to TIME; otherwise, to MTIME. The chosen width is the minimum for the chosen type, adding 3 if showSecond is true, adding 4 more if showMillis is also true. Decimals are 0 by default, or 3 if showMillis is true.