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D.1.6 The table Element

   :type[table_type]=(table | note | warning)
=> tableProperties? tableStructure

tableStructure => path? dataPath csvPath?

This element has the following attributes.

Attribute: commandName

See The container Element.

Attribute: type

One of table, note, or warning.

Attribute: subType

The locale-invariant command ID for the particular kind of output that this table represents in the procedure. This can be the same as commandName e.g. Frequencies, or different, e.g. Case Processing Summary. Generic subtypes Notes and Warnings are often used.

Attribute: tableId

A number that uniquely identifies the table within the SPV file, typically a large negative number such as -4147135649387905023.

Attribute: creator-version

As on the heading element. In the corpus, this is only present for version 21 and up and always includes all 8 digits.

See Legacy Properties, for details on the tableProperties element.